LG Logo Meaning: A Deep Dive Into The Symbolism & History (2025)

Are you ready go into the depth of the brand LG? Ever wondered how did the LG logo formed? What is the LG logo meaning? You probably have products of LG in your house, and its a brand that is trustworthy. Originating from South Korea, this company has grown to become one of the oldest and widely recognized.

It’s amazing how a company can grow so much to such an extend that now its world wide famous and one of the most trusted electronics brand. Now the company sells it’s products in more than 75 countries. LG sells more than just electronics, starting from home appliances, mobility products as well as business solutions.

Lets dive into knowing the LG logo meaning!

A Little History About LG

The LG company we know now has come a long way. LG was first established in 1947, by In-hwoi Koo in South Korea. At first it wasn’t an electronics company, but a Chemical Co. Ltd. Chairman In-hwoi Koo named the company “Lucky” which sounded like “Lak Hui” means “giving joy to all”. The company named its company after Korea’s first makeup cream “Lucky Cream”.

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LG Logo Meaning: A Deep Dive Into The Symbolism & History (1)

Later on the company sold “Lucky Toothpaste” which also became a huge success. And due to company’s success in 1974, the company changed its name to “Lucky Co. Ltd” and grew into a leading chemical company.

LG Logo Meaning: A Deep Dive Into The Symbolism & History (2)

A company was established in 1958 called “Goldstar”. It was the first leading electronics company in Korea. Both company became leading companies in Korea and soon in 1983, both the companies merged to form “Lucky Goldstar”.

In 1995, 1st January, LG posted an ad which had a smiling face with a simple message “Happy New Year”. This ad spread curiosity among the customers. Then on 4th of January, LG posted another ad on news paper in a full page width which said “Lucky Goldstar turns into LG”. And this was the first official greeting from LG.

Then on December 31st, 2015, after 20 successful years, LG went through another transformation. The company made a custom font called “LG Smart Font”. The LG smart font was took in the emotional connection of hand written text, made it customer oriented and a new image. LG applied this font to its popular slogan “Life’s Good” for stability and unity.

The Evolution of LG Logo

First “Lucky”. (1950-1963)

LG Logo Meaning: A Deep Dive Into The Symbolism & History (3)

The first logo of the “Lucky Co. Ltd”. A very simple design with text included, a horizontal oriented oval shape placed above a Korean black lettering in bold. The oval shape was filled with a solid red color, and the brand name was written with thin white lines. The logo was there for more than a decade.

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First Goldstar Logo (1958-1964)

LG Logo Meaning: A Deep Dive Into The Symbolism & History (4)

It was a brand launched in 1958, Goldstar had its first logo of simple cursive wordmark with a crown-shaped icon above it. Both the elements of the logo was monochrome in color. The crown element with the wordmark balanced the whole logo brilliantly.

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Second “Lucky” Logo (1963-1978)

LG Logo Meaning: A Deep Dive Into The Symbolism & History (5)

The original logo of Lucky, composed of red, white and black color with Korean inscription. The logo has a solid red square with a letter “L” stylized on it. The horizontal part of “L”, in fact the lower part has designed a zig-zag line. And the wordmark for the logo was in Korean which translates “Lucky” in smooth angles and straight lines.

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Second Logo of Goldstar (1964-1983)

LG Logo Meaning: A Deep Dive Into The Symbolism & History (6)

The company change the logo concept completely in 1964. Now, it features a solid black square with a round circle containing the crown icon. The abbreviation “GS” is boldly written means “Goldstar”.

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Third “Lucky” Logo (1978-1983)

LG Logo Meaning: A Deep Dive Into The Symbolism & History (7)

Lucky Co. Ltd. completely changed the logo. The new logo features blue, white, and black colors. A clover design was designed in a blue square on the left side, and the brand name was written in bold Korean characters is placed on the right side. This logo only lasted for 5 years.

Third Goldstar Logo (1983-1995)

LG Logo Meaning: A Deep Dive Into The Symbolism & History (8)

Goldstar redesigned its logo and changed its color palette. The emblem remained the same, but the color turned to solid red, and the wordmark positioned beside the icon. The wordmark was a modern sans-serif typography in a soft bold style.

First Logo When “Lucky” and “Goldstar” Merged (1983-1995)

LG Logo Meaning: A Deep Dive Into The Symbolism & History (9)

When both the companies merged together, the company turned into “Lucky Goldstar”. The logo was created in a square red colored with “L” on it and a white crown placed above the zig-zag line. The wordmark was written in Korean and was in black color with straight lines. The logo lasted until 1995.

Logo Of LG (1995-2014)

LG Logo Meaning: A Deep Dive Into The Symbolism & History (10)

On 1st January the company name “Lucky Goldstar” was shortened to “LG”. This is when the new era of the company begin. The logo was a red circle and “LG” as light-gray wordmark on its left. The typography was in bold Helvetica font and made it looked simple. The red circle had three white lines on it. The “G” drawn around the inner edge of the circle, with “L” placed in the center, and a solid white dot, placed on the left of “L”. The composition of this created a face.

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LG (2008-2014)

LG Logo Meaning: A Deep Dive Into The Symbolism & History (11)

In 2008, the logo had a slight change in giving the red circle a 3D look. The letters were turned slightly darker shade and the red circle was made shiny for a fancy look while the white lines were turned into silver color and the contrast was softened.

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LG (2014- 2023)

LG Logo Meaning: A Deep Dive Into The Symbolism & History (12)

The company did another redesign to the logo, which was changing the color of the circle from fuchsia red color to burgundy, gave it a modern look. As for the lettering, they updated the font to a more modern style while retaining the same dark grey color.

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Present LG Logo (2023- Now)

LG Logo Meaning: A Deep Dive Into The Symbolism & History (13)

In 2023, LG redesigned its logo again to a more minimalist design. The new logo is a bright scarlet red square with the thin lines making up a face, formed by the letters “L” and “G” with a solid white dot. The new logo is completely flat giving it a more clean and minimalist look.

The Meaning of LG Slogan

The slogan of LG is quite motivational and inspiring. How the slogan of LG has influenced the public is really great. The LG company’s one slogan that has been known to the world, “Life’s Good”. By that they mean, their product has emotions involved with the public, how the company has grown with people. The company also says a message by the slogan, that is even though life can be imperfect, but Life’s Good.


It’s impressive how this well-known company has succeeded globally. From being a makeup cream to global electronics company. Its surprising how people have grown attached to the company like if you want to buy any home electronic appliances you’d look for LG. Now you know what’s the LG logo meaning.

Hope that you learned something about the LG logo meaning.

LG Logo Meaning: A Deep Dive Into The Symbolism & History (2025)


What is the meaning of the LG logo? ›

The Meaning of LG Logo. We have visualized 5 concepts and sentiments; World, Future, Youth, Human, and Technology. The letter L and G are inserted inside the circle signifying that the people form the center of corporate management.

What is the hidden image in the LG logo? ›

The LG logo appears simply to be a deep red-pink circle with the letters L and G inside. But many may miss that it actually appears to make a friendly face. The letter L appears to make a nose shape while the G loops around the outside to create the outline of the face and a smile.

What does the trademark LG stand for? ›

LG Corporation (or LG Group), formerly known as Lucky-Goldstar, is a South Korean multinational conglomerate founded by Koo In-hwoi and managed by successive generations of his family. It is the fourth-largest chaebol (family-run conglomerate) in South Korea.

What is the old meaning of LG? ›

The roots of the LG brand, “Lucky” and “Goldstar”

The LG we know today came from Lucky Chemical Co., Ltd., established in 1947. Chairman In-hwoi Koo initially named his company "Lucky" (which sounds like "Lak Hui," meaning giving joy to all) after the huge success of "Lucky Cream," Korea's first makeup cream.

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In 1995, the inexpensive, poor quality, Korean appliance and home electronics brand, Lucky Goldstar, became LG with the slogan, Life's Good.

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1) The full form of LG is Lieutenant Governor. In India, LG is in charge of a Union Territory (U.T). However, the rank of Lieutenant Governor is only available in the 3 U.T of India, i.e. the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Delhi and Puducherry.

What are hidden meanings in logos? ›

While many logos convey their messages overtly, some hold hidden secrets—subtle, cleverly embedded elements that require a closer look to uncover. These hidden elements are like encrypted messages waiting to be deciphered, adding depth, intrigue, and often a touch of playfulness to a brand's visual identity.

What is the dot in the LG logo? ›

A dot in the middle even looks like an eye, altogether creating the effect of a happy face. A brand expert said: 'These hidden messages help LG to appear more approachable and inviting. ' According to LG itself, the letters 'L' and 'G' in a circle symbolize the world, future, youth, humanity, and technology.

Is LG short for life good? ›

What does LG stand for LG electronics? Well, LG stands for Lucky Goldstar. It is the abbreviation of the company's tagline, “Life's Good".

When did LG change their logo? ›

SEOUL, April 12, 2023 — LG Electronics (LG) unveiled a new brand direction and visual identity, which will shed more light on the value of Life's Good with a more dynamic and youthful look across all physical and digital customer touch points.

What do the marks on LG mean? ›

The total numerical marks obtained by a student in each course will be converted into Letter Grade (LG) and Grade Point (GP). The default grading type for all courses is Letter Grade (LG) unless indicated below. The deadline for changes from letter grade to pass/fail is the end of the second week of classes.

What is LG best known for? ›

LG Electronics products include televisions, home theater systems, refrigerators, washing machines, computer monitors, wearable devices, solar modules, smart appliances and formerly smartphones.

Which country owns LG? ›

LG Electronics is a core company of South Korean conglomerate LG group, alongside LG Chem. Founded in 1958, LG Electronics has led the country's electronics industry since its early days as the first producer of radios, TVs and other appliances. Now, it is the second-largest electronics maker after Samsung Electronics.

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Usage notes. (mathematics): This symbol, lg, is defined as the base 10 logarithm in the ISO 80000-2:2019 standard, which instead prescribes the symbol lb for the binary logarithm.

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Brand Colors

At our core, LG has always been a red brand. That is still true today. However, we've built outwards from our core to give our identity flex. Incorporating 'Active Red' and neutral colors so we can. create excitement and restore balance when we need to.

What is the red and yellow circle logo? ›

The Mastercard logo is an outstanding design with two overlapping circles in red and yellow.


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.