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  • U20 Марина Лопатина (RUS) 11/ 13:51 Moscow Russia 2019
  • 20-24 Таисия Чернова (RUS) 12 / 7:22 Moscow Russia 2019
  • 25-29 Vivian Oliva (AUS) 12 / 3:15 Moscow Russia 2019
  • 30-34 Yulia Minnakhmetova (RUS) 11 / 9:42 Moscow Russia 2019
  • 35-39 Анна Карасева (RUS) 12 / 6:03 Moscow Russia 2019
  • 40-44 Emma Teede (AUS) 4 / 9:21 Moscow Russia 2019

Mixed Team Relay

Team Russia
Потапов Виталий, Ларина Анастасия, Хайдуков Никита, Леонова Юлия
12 / 2:30 Moscow Russia 2019


Obstacle World Records must satisfy the following criteria:

  • Measurable – Can be measured objectively
  • Breakable – Record titles must be open to being challenged
  • Standardised – Be held on a World Obstacle / international standardised, approved and verified course

Download the Guide to Evidence.


  • U20 Мартьянов Алексей (RUS) 12 / 2:37 Moscow Russia 2019
  • 20-24 Мартьянов Алексей (RUS) 12 / 2:26 Moscow Russia 2019
  • 25-29 Игорь Пермяков (RUS) 12 / 1:57 Moscow Russia 2019
  • 30-34 Фоменко Антон (RUS) 12 / 1:38 Moscow Russia 2019
  • 35-39 Pavel Krejci (POL) 12 / 1:52 Moscow Russia 2019
  • 40-44 Павел Макарычев (RUS) 12 / 2:47 Moscow Russia 2019
  • 45-49 Ian Adamson (AUS) 10 / 5:15 Moscow Russia 2019
  • 50-54 Ian Adamson (AUS) 10 / 5:15 Moscow Russia 2019
  • 55-59 Ian Adamson (AUS) 10 / 5:15 Moscow Russia 2019



Vivian Oliva (AUS) 12 / 3:15 Moscow Russia 2019


Фоменко Антон (RUS) 12 / 1:38 Moscow Russia 2019



OCR 100M


Precious Cabuya (PHI) watch her qualification run! (33.127 sec)
32.732 seconds
6 May 2023, Southeast Asia Games, Phnom Penh

OCR 100M


Mark Julius Rodelas (PHI) watch his run!
25.092 seconds
3 May 2023, Southeast Asia Games, Phnom Penh

Please email the Competitions Committee for the standardised OCR 100m course specification [emailprotected].

Video courtesy of Epik Engineering, approved provider

Altitude OCR

The highest altitude obstacle course race is 5,714 m (18,746.72 ft) achieved at the Altitude OCR World Championships on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania on 19 September 2021, by Ian Adamson, Jason Stanley, Luke Hepworth, Parker Schamehorn (AUS), Kristina Madsen (DEN), David Pickles, Robert Edmond, Rachel King, Toby Sprakes, Jamin Heppell, Emily Walker, Emma Newcomb, (GBR), Gada Shaikli (IRQ), Zaynab Jogi, Kam Kaur (INA), Sandi Menchi Abahan, Silamie Gutang, Monolito Divina, Elias Tabac, Thumbie Remigo (PHI), Nikki Caromba, Marco Caromba (RSA), Segei Alipov, Seva Alipov (RUS), Urs Mosimann (SUI), Heidi Williams, Cheyenne Doig, David Ashley, Alvin Arzadon, Daniel Turner, Yara Alves, Donna Boots, Victor Dragano (USA), and Mussa Michael Mwakyusa (TAN)

View the Highest Altitude Obstacle Course Race Guinness World Record.

The greatest ascent and descent on an obstacle course race is 3,019 m (9,904 ft / 1.87 miles) achieved at the Altitude OCR World Championships from Lukla, Nepal to Mt. Kalapata from 10-11 November 2022 by Ian Adamson (AUS), Michel Grenier, Chantal Lacasse and Jason Desaulniers (CAN), Robert Edmond, Becky Neal, David Pickles, Emily Walker and Philip Clark (GBR), Konstantinos Michos (GRE), Szilard Ferencsik (HUN), Kam Kaur (IND), Anima Sherpa (NEP), Ailene Tolentino, Sandi Menchi, Andrico Mahilum and Thumbie Remigio (PHI), Thomas Basson (RSA), Charlie Engle, Steven Kaufman, Alex Miller, Cheyenne Doig, Michael Linnane, Yara Alves, Amy Remington, Aliyah Emas, Christopher Hoover, Donna Boots, David Berkoff, Dan Charko and Jason Perkins (USA)

View the Guinness World Record.

Obstacle Fitness Class

The highest altitude fitness class is 5,714 m (18746.72 ft) achieved at an event organised by World’s Highest OCR & World Obstacle on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania on 19 September 2021.

View the Highest Altitude Fitness Class Guinness World Record.

OCR 400M

Mixed Team Relay

Nathaniel Sanchez, Jeffrey Reginio, Diana Buhler and Keilah Rodriguez (PHI)
1 minutes 59.56 seconds
SEA Games – Manila Philippines 2019

OCR 400M

Mixed Team Assist

Monolito Divina, Kyle Antolin, Deanne Moncada and Kaizen Dela Serna (PHI)
3 minutes 48.35 seconds
SEA Games – Manila Philippines 2019


Single Ascent – Women

4.32 seconds: Mhick Tejares (PHI) and Sarah Lim (PHI)

1 minute Multiple Ascents – Women

7 ascents / 57.0 seconds: Precious Que (PHI)

5 minutes Multiple Ascents – Women

15 ascents / 4:57 seconds: Kat Santos (PHI)

Single Ascent – Men

2.23 seconds: Kevin Pascua (PHI)

1 minute Multiple Ascents – Men

9 ascents / 48.9 seconds: Mark Julius Rodelas (PHI)


5 minutes Multiple Ascents – Men

25 ascents / 5:00 minutes: Manolito Divina (PHI)

Single Ascent – Youth U12

6.24 seconds: Gavin Ti (PHI)

1 minute Multiple Ascents – Youth U12

5 ascents / 56.0 seconds: Gavin Ti (PHI)

5 minutes Multiple Ascents – Youth U12

No record


Single Lap – Women

3.51 seconds: Rochelle Suarez (PHI)

1 minute Set Time – Women

7 laps / 57.93 seconds: Rochelle Suarez (PHI)

5 Minute Set Time – Women

20 laps / 4:55 minutes: Rochelle Suarez (PHI)

Single Lap – Male

2.67 seconds: Nathaniel Sanchez (PHI)

1 minute Set Time – Men

8 laps / 54.2 seconds: Mark Juliaus Rodelas (PHI)

Farthest Distance on Monkey Bars in One Minute

The Guinness World Record for the farthest distance travelled on monkey bars in one minute is 54.50 m (178.80 ft), and was achieved by Olivia Vivian (Australia), in Perth, Australia, on 8 January 2021. Olivia is the Ninja World Champion, World Record Holder and an artistic gymnast who competed in the 2008 Summer Olympics as well as multiple World Championships.


5 Minute Set Time – Men

30 laps / 4:51 minutes: Nathaniel Sanchez (PHI)

Single Lap – Youth U12

9.29 seconds: Gavin Ti (PHI)

1 minute Set Time – Youth U12

5 laps / 59.68 seconds: Gavin Ti (PHI)

5 Minute Set Time – Youth U12

No Record


World Record Guide to Evidence (pdf) Download OCR 100m Guide to Setting Records (pdf) Download OCR 100m Course Specification Manual (pdf) Download OCR 100m Course Overview (pdf) Download OCR 100m Course Layout (pdf) Download



What is the longest obstacle course in the world? ›

In 2022 we introduced The Tartan Titan, our whopping 560m inflatable obstacle course, which was confirmed by Guinness World Records to be the longest in the world, having beaten the previous record by an amazing 65m!

How many obstacles are in the obstacle course? ›

Obstacle course races (OCR) are well-known for testing participants in various physical skills. Most commonly, the race course is 3km long with about 25 obstacles. But it could go up to 12km long with 100+ obstacles.

What is the world record for monkey bars? ›

The Guinness World Record for the farthest distance travelled on monkey bars in one minute is 54.50 m (178.80 ft), and was achieved by Olivia Vivian (Australia), in Perth, Australia, on 8 January 2021.

What is the hardest course in the world Guinness World Record? ›

Which is the toughest degree in the world? BSN or Bachelor of Science in Nursing is considered the toughest degree in the world according to the Guinness book of World Records. Following that, the other hardest degrees include engineering, medicine, IAS, IPS, etc.

What is the world's largest obstacle course show? ›

Wipeout is an American reality game show that airs on ABC. Contestants compete in a series of obstacle courses in what is called the "world's largest obstacle course." The series started on June 24, 2008. It is hosted by John Henson and John Anderson; with Vanessa Lachey acting as a "on-location" host.

What's the biggest obstacle? ›

Here are nine of the biggest obstacles people put in their own path:
  • Perfectionism. ...
  • Comparison. ...
  • Blame. ...
  • Self-Doubt. ...
  • Fear. ...
  • Distraction. ...
  • Safety. ...
  • Procrastination. Hands down, procrastination is our favorite form of self-sabotage.

How much weight is the Atlas carry? ›

What is the Atlas Stone Carry? In the Atlas Stone Carry Obstacle, one of the toughest Spartan Race obstacles in OCR, you use a heavy round stone approximately 100 pounds. You pick this stone off the ground and carry it 10-meters, past a set of flags. You drop the stone and then you do 5 burpees.

What is the gorilla Guinness World Record? ›

The record for the largest weight a gorilla has ever lifted is 1,800 pounds, according to Guinness World Records. According to some theories, gorillas are capable of lifting up to ten times their own weight.

What is the genius world record duck call? ›

According to a spokesperson for Guinness World Records, the record for the most people duck-calling simultaneously now stands at 3,028. The record was set at a fundraiser called “The Call: Faith, Family & Facial Hair” for The Salvation Army of Southwest Florida at the Germaine Arena in Fort Myers.

What's the world record for hanging on a bar? ›

He lasted one hour, 20 minutes, 41 seconds. Adachi broke the previous record of 16 minutes and 3 seconds set by a Norwegian man in November 2020.

How hard is Mud Girl run? ›

The race itself was fairly easy, even with the added obstacles. The course was relatively flat, not much incline, and there were 17 obstacles, from inflatables, to cargo nets, and a decent amount of mud! The obstacles were not overly challenging, and if you do not feel comfortable, you may skip them.

What are the five basic obstacles? ›

“Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.” Whether you're a small business owner or a dedicated salesperson, you've probably heard these objections from potential clients.

What is the farthest thrown object in the world? ›

The longest throw of an object without any velocity-aiding feature is 427.2 m (1,401.5 ft) by David Schummy (Australia) with a boomerang on 15 March 2005 at Murrarie Recreation Ground, Queensland, Australia. Probably something by an astronaut in orbit and it's still travelling.

How long is the Darby Queen obstacle course? ›

Before students begin practical application on their instruction received, they negotiate the Darby Queen Obstacle course, which consists of 20 obstacles stretched over one mile of hilly terrain.

What is the longest tough mudder? ›

Toughest Mudder: 12 hours, through the night, to run as many laps as you can. World's Toughest Mudder: the most extreme, insane, imposing, pulse-pounding, heart-stopping 24-hour obstacle course challenge on the planet.


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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.