scAuto as a comprehensive framework for single-cell chromatin accessibility data analysis (2024)


Authors: Meiqin Gong, Yun Yu, Zixuan Wang, Junming Zhang, + 4, Xiongyi Wang, Cheng Fu, Yongqing Zhang, and Xiaodong Wang (Less)

Published: 09 July 2024 Publication History

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    Interpreting single-cell chromatin accessibility data is crucial for understanding intercellular heterogeneity regulation. Despite the progress in computational methods for analyzing this data, there is still a lack of a comprehensive analytical framework and a user-friendly online analysis tool. To fill this gap, we developed a pre-trained deep learning-based framework, single-cell auto-correlation transformers (scAuto), to overcome the challenge. Following DNABERT’s methodology of pre-training and fine-tuning, scAuto learns a general understanding of DNA sequence’s grammar by being pre-trained on unlabeled human genome via self-supervision; it is then transferred to the single-cell chromatin accessibility analysis task of scATAC-seq data for supervised fine-tuning. We extensively validated scAuto on the Buenrostro2018 dataset, demonstrating its superior performance on chromatin accessibility prediction, single-cell clustering, and data denoising. Based on scAuto, we further developed an interactive web server for single-cell chromatin accessibility data analysis. It integrates tutorial-style interfaces for those with limited programming skills. The platform is accessible at To our knowledge, this work is expected to help analyze single-cell chromatin accessibility data and facilitate the development of precision medicine.


    Present a framework for single-cell chromatin accessibility analysis.

    Develop an online analysis platform, scAuto.

    Conduct extensive experiments and achieve the state-of-the-art performance.



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      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      scAuto as a comprehensive framework for single-cell chromatin accessibility data analysis (1)

      Computers in Biology and Medicine Volume 171, Issue C

      Mar 2024

      1547 pages


      Issue’s Table of Contents

      Elsevier Ltd.


      Pergamon Press, Inc.

      United States

      Publication History

      Published: 09 July 2024

      Author Tags

      1. Single-cell genomics
      2. Chromatin accessibility
      3. Data analysis tools
      4. Web server
      5. Deep learning


      • Research-article


      scAuto as a comprehensive framework for single-cell chromatin accessibility data analysis (2)

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      scAuto as a comprehensive framework for single-cell chromatin accessibility data analysis (2024)


      What methods would you use to study chromatin accessibility? ›

      Chromatin accessibility profiling methods are used to assess the 'openness' of chromatin and to identify candidate regulatory regions in a tissue or cell type. These methods involve enzymatic cleavage, transposition or DNA methylation, and they can be applied to bulk samples or single cells.

      What is the single cell ATAC-Seq method? ›

      The market offers technologies focusing on such features, like a cell's set of proteins, metabolic states, or epigenetic profiles. Chief among the latter type is single-cell ATAC-seq (scATAC-seq). This technology enables researchers to capture the chromatin accessibility profiles of tissues in single-cell resolution.

      What does chromatin accessibility tell you? ›

      Chromatin accessibility is the degree to which nuclear macromolecules are able to physically contact chromatinized DNA and is determined by the occupancy and topological organization of nucleosomes as well as other chromatin-binding factors that occlude access to DNA.

      What does ChIP seq tell you? ›

      ChIP-Seq identifies the binding sites of DNA-associated proteins and can be used to map global binding sites for a given protein. ChIP-Seq typically starts with crosslinking of DNA-protein complexes. Samples are then fragmented and treated with an exonuclease to trim unbound oligonucleotides.

      What does Atac-Seq tell you? ›

      What is ATAC-Seq? The assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with sequencing (ATAC-Seq) is a popular method for determining chromatin accessibility across the genome.

      How is RNA-seq different from single-cell seq? ›

      So, Bulk RNA sequencing (bulk RNA-seq) provides an average gene expression profile for a population of cells, while Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) allows for the study of gene expression in individual cells.

      What are the advantages of single-cell atac-seq? ›

      The main advantages of ATAC-Seq compared to other techniques, such as FAIRE-Seq or DNase-Seq that investigate similar chromatin features, are the lower number of cells that are required for the assay and the relative simplicity of its two-step protocol.

      How to measure DNA accessibility? ›

      Quantitative DNA accessibility assay (qDA-seq)381 uses restriction enzyme AluI to measure absolute accessibility and the rate at which accessible sites are cut.

      What type of microscopy is needed to see chromatin? ›

      The nucleosomes are the smallest repeating unit of the chromatin fibers and have dimension of ∼11 nm, therefore well below the resolution limit of conventional fluorescent microscopy. For this reason, super resolution microscopy techniques are extremely useful to study chromatin structure.

      What techniques are used to study transcriptomics? ›

      There are two key contemporary techniques in the field: microarrays, which quantify a set of predetermined sequences, and RNA-Seq, which uses high-throughput sequencing to record all transcripts.

      What method is used to detect alien chromatin? ›

      A key method is in situ hybridization, allowing alien chromatin to be identified in chromosome preparations of alien-cross derived plants.


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